Mar 18, 2009

At The Library

This week we went on our first trip to the library. The trip was not so much to introduce my son to the library, but to show him the environment there, because they have a story telling hour on Wednesday mornings for preschoolers.

He has not had any exposure to children in a group yet except one birthday party (that did not go well), so I thought this might be a simple, low stress way to get him involved in something other than our home school.
The few times we have been around a group of children and adults, he generally sticks with the adults or older children. When we are at the park, he wants to run out on the field and play whatever the big boys are playing.

Even though he loves books, all he really wanted to do at the library was try out every chair at the little tables they have set up. That is until a very cute little girl showed up who was about three. She couldn't get his attention fast enough and at first he was smitten. Then they decided to sit and read a magazine together, but each wanted to hold it at the same time and that’s where it all started to go downhill.

After what seemed like hours of "may I hold it"... "no mine"... "but you have to share"..."no mine", I finally had to manually extract my son from the building.
He tried to share, he really did, but she was too young to understand and he got frustrated and started to cry.

We didn’t even have a chance to get him a library card. I’m still going to try him in the storytelling group and maybe he will sit still and enjoy it. I hope he’s ok with the librarian holding her own book.


Stephanie said...

Libraries are grand places.
Especially if others are walking around with favorite videos, and want to play at the same table. ;)

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